Abstract :
Consideration and Criticism on Human Rights` Studies
Prof. Dr. Mehdi. Zakerian Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, IAU, Sciences & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Human Rights and Democratic Uprisings in Middle East In the Light of New Technologies
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Monshipour, Department of International RelationsSan Francisco State University Visiting Professor Middle Eastern Studies/Political Science University of California, Berkeley, US
Studying Legal Aspects of Saudi Arabia’s Military Intervention in Yemen with Emphasis on the Security Council 2216 Resolution
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mohebi Faculty of Law, IAU, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Prof. Vahid Farid Faculty of Law, IAU, Amol Branch, Amol, Iran
Hasti Koosha Faculty of Law, Uromieh Univeristy, Uromieh, Iran
Mehdi Kordy Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, IAU, Sciences & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
The Nature of Subjects of International Law`s Obligations
HE. Dr. Mostafa Alaei Ambassador of Iran in Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction from Islam`s Point of View
Seyedeh Fatemeh Aghajanpoor Mir Researcher in National Defense Studies, Tehran, Iran
UN Responsibility towards Actions against International Regulations (Comprehensive Study of UN Human Rights Council on Gaza War)
Prof. Dr. MirEbrahim Seddigh Dept of International Relations, IAU, Ilam Branch, Iran
Seyed Abdolmohammad Mosavi MA of International Law, IAU, Ilam Branch, Iran
The Russian Security and Defensive Policies on the Expansion of NATO toward East
Prof. Dr. Mehdi Esmaeili Faculty of Law, IAU, Chalus Branch, Iran
Prof. Vahid Farid Faculty of Law, IAU, Amol Branch, Iran
Mehdi Kordi Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, IAU, Sciences & Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
The Challenge of Adoption of the Freedom of Expression with the Prohibition of Terrorism Usage of Cyberspace
Seyed Mostafa Kazerooni MA of International Law Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
The Concept of Genocide and Crime against Humanities in the Chambers of Cambodjia Court
Prof. Dr. Sadegh Salimi Faculty of Law, IAU, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran
Seyed Mohamed Bagher Amirian PhD Candidate of International Law, IAU, Faculty of Law, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran